Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kids Say . . .

A friend of mine gave me this survey 3 years ago & said "Try it with the kids, I bet it will be fun" . . . it was!  DJ ran across it recently and I decided maybe I should do it again and see how the answers differ...

1. What does mommy always says to you?

Madi5: No
Madi8: I love you
Boston3: Sit by me
Boston6: I love you

2. What makes mommy happy?

Madi5: I don't know
Madi8: Gifts & good behavior
Boston3: When I make her pictures
Boston6: Peace & quiet and the house cleaned

3. What makes mommy sad?
Madi5: When I'm gone
Madi8: Yelling at us & us being bad
Boston3: Um...no blankie
Boston6: House dirty, wait, not doing our jobs

4. How does mommy do to make you laugh?
Madi5: Playing jokes
Madi8: Tickle
Boston3: Um...makes funny faces
Boston6: Do funny stuff

5. What was mommy like as a child?
Madi5: I DON'T KNOW, I wasn't there, I wasn't even born!
Madi8: A dancer . . . like meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Boston3: Ride her bike
Boston6: I don't know because I wasn't born yet!

6. How old is mommy?
Madi5: 30
Madi8: 33
Boston3: 3
Boston6: 33

7. How tall is mommy?

Madi5: I don't know, as tall as the bunkbed
Madi8: uggghh, . . . 5'6" close, something like that
Boston3: that tall - he put his hand on top of my head
Boston6: 25 feet

8. What does mommy do when you're not around?

Madi5: Sleep
Madi8: Have girls night out? I don't know, I'm not around, how'm I suppose to know?
Boston3: play
Boston6: Watch TV

9. If your mommy was famous, why would she be famous?

Madi5: I don't know
Madi8: Can't sing, dancing because you did as a child
Boston3: Because you were
Boston6: Money

10. What is mommy really good at?

Madi5: um...um....taking care of her child
Madi8: Work
Boston3: Playing baseball - you really good at playing baseball
Boston6: Saying "pick up your stuff"

11. What is mommy not very good at?

Madi5: uh, I don't know, I don't know what you're not good at
Madi8: Singing
Boston3: Soccer - you're not very good at soccer mommy
Boston6: This game - Mickey Epic Wii (or Epic Mickey - I don't know)

12. What does mommy do for her job?

Madi5: Watch the waitresses & make sure they do a good job
Madi8: Waitress
Boston6: Be a waitress

13. What is mommy's favorite food?
Madi5: Lasagna
Madi8: Pasta or Taco's
Boston3: Salad
Boston6: Ooh, this is a hard one...

14. What makes you proud of mommy?

Madi5: When she lets us play with grace
Madi8: Being able to care for me & Boston
Boston6: Makin' money, no, buying me things, no makin' money

15. If mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?

Madi5: umm....umm....let me see, umm... Minnie Mouse
Madi8: Dora
Boston6: Daisy, from Mickey Mouse, she's Donald's girlfriend

16. What do you and mommy do together?
Madi5: Sometimes we go out to dinner by ourselves to The Pub
Madi8: Get our nails done
Boston3: Play
Boston6: Watch movies

17. How are you mommy the same?
Madi5: We both like to paint our nails
Madi8: Both dancers as little kids
Boston3: Because we eat together
Boston6: We both have brown eyes

18. How are you and mommy different?
Madi5: You have brown hair & I have blonde
Madi8: She's a waitress, I'm a student
Boston6: I'm a kid & you're a grown up

19. How do you know your mom loves you?
Madi5: Because I was born in Manhattan, KS. Because I was her 1st then another one came along
Madi8: She tucks me in every night and she's always there for me.
Boston3: Because she does and because she plays basketball with me
Boston6: She hugs me all the time

20. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Madi5: ummm....home
Madi8: Boston? Maybe.
Boston6: Willie's

Boston 3yrs & Madilynne 5yrs

Boston 6yrs & Madilynne 8yrs
{looks like I need a few more recent pics of me & the kids!!}

Thanks again Lindsey for giving me this survey three years ago!!