Friday, September 30, 2011

Brag Time...

We had Parent/Teacher conferences this week and while I was not concerned with what Madi's teacher was going to say, I was a little concerned with what Boston's teacher would say.  I wasn't expecting a very bad review, he never had any problems at Pre-School or at Elaina's, but still, I was a little concerned.

Madi's P/T conference was first.  She has a sub while her teacher is on maternity leave (2mo early!), her sub just happens to be the mother of one of DJs friends.  We see her in Willie's quite a bit and she had already told DJ what a joy it is to have Madi in her class.  She said she is a leader, gets along with everyone in class and is a wonderful student.  She said the only problem she ever sees her having in school is not accepting anything but perfect!  She is not going to be happy if she ever gets less than an A.  I don't see that as being a HUGE problem ;)

On to Boston.  We went in and she said Boston is a good student, tries very hard & does what he is supposed to (without whining - WHA?!  who is this child she speaks of?!?).  She said the only problem he has is that he maybe needs to keep his hands to himself at times, BUT she has 16 boys (SIXTEEN!!) in her class (poor lady) and that it's to be expected with boys.  At the beginning of the year he could only write his numbers 1-7, but this past week he wrote from 1-100!!  She said while all his friends gave up around 7 he kept plugging away until he got to 100!  When I asked him about it, he said, "I could have wrote to 200, but I ran out of boxes!" LOL.

All in all, I'd say they're doing great & I couldn't be more proud!!

This week we added a new man to the family!  Meet Fred the 4-Runner, my new ride:

 it's official - I'm a soccer mom

DJ told me I had homework to do for Willie's.  This is usually nothing I really want anything to do with so I cautiously asked him "what kind of homework" ... this is what he pulls out from behind his back:

now, there's some homework I can handle!
4 bottles of Kansas made wine (Stone Pillar Winery) that need to be tasted & reported back on.
Prairie Fire Red * Kansas Table Wine * Hofftoberfest * & * Prairie Star Blush

I haven't been very good about the Bruce-ism's lately, but here's a small one for ya...

Boston is talking on the phone to Papa
B: I have your fun-ways stuff that you ordered
(I can hear Rick on the other end of the phone)
R: My what buddy
B: Your FUN WAYS stuff that you ordered
R: What?  Tell Mammo to talk louder so I can hear her
(she was trying to tell him FUNDRAISER)
B: YOUR FUN WAYS STUFF PAPA (talking a lot louder now)
R: Ok buddy

Rick had no clue what Fun Ways was but he decided he wasn't going to get anymore out of him than Fun Ways so he left it at that and said ok.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!  We're gearing up for another busy one!  Super jealous of all you that are headed to Manhattan for the weekend, hope you get to celebrate a CATS victory!! 

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