Friday, April 5, 2013

save the drama for yo mama . . . WAIT, I'm the mama . . .

really, 3rd grade, and the drama begins.

Madi has never been real fond of a little girl in her same grade level, but has never been a big issue until this year when they were placed in the same class.  It has been a constant struggle all year as to what to do about  the situation.  We have the same conversation over & over as it seems the situation is never going to go away.

Be nice to her, no matter what.
You do not have to be friends with her, but you must be kind.
Ignore her.
Don't talk to her.
Just be civil.

Well, today the situation hit me in the face & I am OVER IT.

I was at the school this morning helping with popcorn (they have popcorn Friday once a month & I with a few retired teachers and a couple other moms pop popcorn for 900+ students & all of the staff) and while I was out delivering to one of the grades, the girl in Madi's class stops me & says

for this blog, let's just call the little girl A

A - I need to talk to you about your daughter
me - OK (I immediately knew where this was going, because she had already said something to me at the last class party)
A - Your daughter is bullying me
me - How is it that she is doing so?
A - She's mean to me & talks about me all the time & I can hear her
me - Well, that's not ok & I will talk with her about it, but do you think that maybe it's a two way street, that you need to also be nice to her?
A - I am, she's just mean to me
me - I think it would be best if the two of you just agreed to not be friends
A - I just want her to be nice to me
me - I agree, she doesn't need to be mean, but I think it would be best if you two agreed to not be friends, have a good rest of the day

I felt completely uncomfortable having a conversation with Madi's classmate in the hall where no one else can hear.  I did not like the idea of my words being twisted when the story was retold to her mother later.  I really didn't like the idea of my daughter being labeled .

I went to Willie's for lunch to discuss it with DJ & his parents were there, so we all discussed how my ANGEL (sarcasm) could possibly be bullying someone. While we all agree that Madi is most definitely not innocent we just don't see how she could be bullying "A".  Anytime any of us are around when the two of them are in the same place we've witnessed Madi trying to avoid "A" at all costs.  I was going back to school after lunch to hang some posters for the school carnival so I was going to check & see if Madi's teacher was available to talk to.  I asked in the office & she had just finished free time (of course!), so I decided to email Madi's teacher & copy the principal.  I don't want this coming back that somehow I am not taking this serious.  I have already requested that the two not be in the same class next year and I do not want the other mother feeling it is her job to talk with Madi (like I saw her do to another girl at our last class party).  I asked if there was an issue in class that we need to address, or if we need to get the girls together with the school counselor to discuss that the two don't HAVE to be friends ("A" feels they need to be) and they can be civil to each other without being hateful to each other.

The principal emailed me back first cc'ing the school counselor.  He thanked me for sharing the information & thought it would be good to get the girls together with the school counselor or at least make him aware of the situation and could he use my name while speaking to the other parent to ask for permission to get the girls together to talk about the situation.

Next was the school counselor, with nothing but kind words to say about Madi and that he has been working with "A" a few times this year with her interpersonal relationships and he would like me to call him on Monday to discuss further.

Lastly, Madi's teacher.  She said there are a few minor reports of dirty looks & exclusion from "clubs" but those reports are not exclusively made toward Madi.  She also said she has no concerns of Madi's behavior towards "A" or any other student, she seems to be well liked by her peers and has had no complaints from any other student.

So, with all that, when the kids got home from school, DJ & I sat Madi down & told her the situation... She is NOT to talk about "A" in any shape or form, good, bad or indifferent.  If someone else says something about her, she is to say I'm not talking about her.  Rise above baby girl!  I know Madi is not completely innocent in this whole situation, but I feel bad bringing it up to her.  I have been around "A" enough to know that she needs A LOT of attention, good and/or bad, doesn't matter.  It's hard to tell a 3rd grader not to talk about someone that she doesn't like (and that most all of her friends don't like), to rise above & be the bigger person, you don't get to vent, only she "A" gets that luxury....which isn't true, we would just prefer she vents to us & not her friends.

These next couple months cannot go by fast enough!

I'll leave you with the midgies Spring Pics . . . .

ps - i DIDN'T forget how to blog ; )

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