Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Normal?! Who wants to be normal?!

Many people know that Madi has always been quite the busy sleeper.  If you can do it while you're sleeping, she does... Snores, sleep walks, pees in random places, talks, grinds her teeth, hmmm, I feel I'm forgetting something, BUT all of that has REALLY slowed down since she got her adenoids out in late January.  YAY!  She sleeps SO much better now!  One thing she has NEVER done is had night terrors.  I'm not talking about bad dreams, waking up crying and being scared, but waking up SCREAMING, sweating, shaking, not recognizing me (or DJ) and not being able to be consoled...and not being able to be woken up.  This is what Boston has started doing.  It's like we finally get two good sleepers and the flip is switched in Boston's head.

This started a few weeks ago, just before we left for vacation.  I came in on the end of it, so I didn't realize that is what had happened the first time.  The next time we were on vacation in Wisconsin and it was like nothing I had EVER seen.  It's like he's in a horror film.  He can't be consoled at all, just looks at us like we're complete strangers and we've come to nab him or something.  We finally laid him back down & he went back to sleep, woke up the next morning and didn't remember anything about it.

The next time it happened was last week while he was staying at Papa's house.  Rick tried to get him a drink of water, thinking maybe it would help him snap out of it, but he choked!  The next day as Rick was telling us the story, Boston said "Papa, you were dreaming, I didn't have a bad dream, that was Madi", I guess he just assumed it was one of Madi's stories because we've always had so many about her. 

Two nights ago, it happened again.  I ran into his room picked him up & tried to console him... didn't work (as usual).  After a lot of hugging (almost suffocating) he got tired and fell back asleep in my bed... never woke up again and of course didn't remember a lick of it in the morning.  After Boston fell asleep I grabbed my phone and googled "night terrors in children".  I spent the next hour reading a few different websites about how it's "NORMAL".  Come to my house about an hour after Boston has fallen asleep and witness this and you tell me this is "NORMAL".  I read that it's best just to hug them and do your best let them know everything is ok.

Last night, I was ready.  Laying in bed I just waited, finally fell asleep and then BAM, there it was, SCREAM.  DJ & I ran into his room, left the light off, hugged him, and soon after he was back to sleep.  Same awful things have happened each time, but the I think the worst is him looking at us as if we're strangers.  It breaks my heart to think of what we look like to him when he's having these terrors, but on the flip side, I love that he doesn't remember any of it in the morning!


Here's hoping tonight with an earlier bedtime we can skip a terror.  I'm getting myself ready to be "terrorized" for the next week.  Even with an earlier bedtime, school starts Thursday and I know it's going to take a toll on the little guy.  He's going to be exhausted, but hopfully we can get through this without too many terrors in the future.

Love ya little buddy!

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