Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Radio Silence...

So, it's been brought to my attention that I've been a little quiet on the blog front... unfortunately, I knew this was true.  It's been two weeks since my last confession, er, I mean blog.  We have been CRAZY busy since school started.  I thought school starting would get us back into a routine and things would run smooth.  WHAT WAS I THINKING?  Things were never routine last year or smooth, so WHY would I think this year would be any different?  So.........  We have been up to the following.  SCHOOL.  School has started and the kids are enjoying it, but it's making one little fella EXHAUSTED.  He is a cranky mess most afternoons.  I feel bad for losing my patience with him at times because I know he's just tired... BUT, I still can't stand the constant whining!  He has gotten better this week, which I am (and I'm sure he is) extremely happy about!!  AND the night terrors have gotten few and very far between (insert choir of angels singing HALLELUJAH here!) 

Some days I get to school at the perfect time, I get to sit and watch Boston at recess without him knowing!  So far, he's always been well behaved (why can I not get this behavior at home?)

We took the kids to their very first Red Sox game two weekends ago... would have been much better at Fenway, but we'll settle for what's close!  Madi wasn't feeling so great, but she did NOT want to miss the game.  Amazingly enough, she felt better after a sno-cone.  In her defense, she did have a sore throat, so I bet it felt much better after that.  On Friday, DJ & I got to go to the game with our realtor (and friend) who got us amazing seats, two rows back behind the camera pit, just to the side of the Red Sox dugout.  The next night DJ had to work, but I didn't (I still worked the day shift) so Steph and I used the AMAZING seats my parents gave us.  Diamond Club, behind homeplate.

Besides school, mama has been working her butt off (ok, not really, but much more than just the lunch shifts I was getting used to).  We've got some girls hired, so hopefully within the next couple weeks, we'll go back to my easy goin' work.  The kids haven't seemed to mind my working because they have been able to go to Grandma's, Mammo's, Uncle Geek (Cody), and/or Uncle Brian's house.  Last weekend alone they started the weekend off with Grandma & Grandpa (after a trip to Legends for Madi to do some more school shopping), spent the night there, went to Uncle Brian's for little Miss Molly Jane's birthday party (so sad I missed that!!) then went to Rushville to celebrate Uncle Geek's birthday (also sad I missed this) then Boston stayed with Carter and Madi stayed at Gracie's house (Aunt Jennie's cousin).  When I went to pick them up Sunday they were NOT ready to come home... of course.

Boston & Tessa in the trees, like the monkey's they are!

Last week Madi auditioned for Snow White at Theatre Atchison.  She said she was nervous, but that she was going to get up there and read loud.... well, that wasn't exactly what happened.  She did get up there, and she did read, but it wasn't very loud.  We sat there for quite a while and she was never called to read for a different part.  We talked about how she would feel if she didn't get a dwarf part (which is what she wanted) and she told me she would be upset, but ok.  We found out on Friday that she didn't receive a dwarf part, but the part of a bird.  Her friend Katy also got the part of a bird, so she was happy about that.  They have no lines, but I'm sure this will not be the end of either of their dramatic careers ;)

Madi has lost TWO teeth since my last blog, so here she is in all her glory...

Soccer begins in the next couple weeks, so let's add that to the list of things to do during the week/end!  Madi already has play practice T/Th, so hopefully soccer is on M and/or W for both kids!!

I almost forgot... I decided on an e-reader.  I have only downloaded one book for myself, it's called "Waiter Rant: Thanks for the Tip - Confessions of a Professional Waiter".  I have however downloaded two games and seven kid books!  Madi has been doing her SFA homework from the Nook.  The new LOVE in my life:

Something else starts this week too......... K...S...U...WILDCATS!  ........ FOOTBALL!  It will not be the same here, but I'm going to do my best to bring game day to Atchison!  I worked this past Saturday for the first BC home game and I was amazed at how few of our staff showed up in Red & Black to support their school (quite a few of our staff are STUDENTS).  I'm used to showing up to work with everything purple I own on my body!  Purple Headband, Purple Eyeshadow, Powercat Tattoo, KSU Shirt, Purple Shoes, Purple Fingernail Polish, Purple Earrings, Purple Ring, Purple Necklace get the point, if it's purple, it's ON!  I'm not alone in this fashion statement on game days, most every employee at the Manhattan Willie's will be wearing just as much, if not more (if possible) purple on game days.  WE LOVE OUR CATS!  You will definitely be seeing me in purple this weekend as well!  This is the time of the year I will miss Manhattan the most.  I love the college town atmosphere on game days, you just can't duplicate it.  ...and in case you were wondering, my children will also grow up wearing as much purple on Saturday's as possible... and they will also LOVE IT ;)

I'm sure I'm missing something, but this will do for now.  Good night & SKO CATS!!  (insert Lindsey Wilson screaming at the top of her lungs here!!)


  1. amen and hallelujah to the PURPLE!!! I got my outfit LAID OUT for saturday... ha!!

    The kids are getting SO big :(

    Can't believe madi lost 2 teeth {gross!!!} and that she tried out for a play, SO crazy!! She'll be the best little bird e.v.e.r :)

    And Boston... we all know that boy loves him some sleep so i bet this is an adjustment. He is still cute as ever!!

    See you in a couple weeks!!!

    skooooooo cats!!

  2. Thank you for breaking radio silence! Yes I agree with Amber, I am dreading loose teeth, vomit!

    I miss Manhattan so much during football season, it's just NOT the same anywhere else!

    Can't wait for the Willies reunion in October, are you bringing the kids? I think we are leaving ours here so we can enjoy ourselves.
