Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vacay - 1st Full Day!

First off, I have to say, I didn't get anymore sleep last night than the night before!  But I'm not sure if I can feel sorry for myself.  My poor little guy had night terrors!!  Madi has almost always been a sleep walker & talker, but Boston has only had a bad dream here or there.  Last night was COMPLETELY different!  He woke up crying & almost screaming.  We turned the light on & he still didn't really wake up.  His eyes were open, but it was like he didn't see us, but someone else in our places.  The poor guy was trembling.  DJ & I had never seen anything like it!  We tried water on his face and hugging, but every time he pulled away it was like he saw whatever was in his bad dream again & would start shaking again.  Finally I gave him CoCo (his stuffed monkey) and that seemed to calm him down enough to get into bed with DJ.  He slept the rest of the night with no more nightmares, but DJ & I didn't sleep much worrying about him.  Once we all got up, I talked to Boston about having bad dreams & he doesn't really remember a lot about it except that he had a bad dream, not what it was about, not being up & his whole body shaking, just a bad dream!  I guess that's a good thing?

The kids were DYING to hit the water park today, so that's just what we did.  We ate breakfast & hit the pools.  They loved it.  We went to two different outdoor parks today & an indoor park.  We went down tall slides, outdoor slides, indoor slides, slides that make you feel sick.... wait, who gets sick riding on a water slide?  Yep, that's right, I do!  We went down this water slide that all four of us could get in a raft together & ride.  It was COMPLETELY dark & I was riding backwards.  The ride lasted all of 20 SECONDS, but that was enough to make my head jacked up for at least 20 MINUTES.

both of the kids getting DRENCHED when the bucket fell over them:

climbing across the water: 

that's Boston in the 2nd from the left row: 

and that's DJ in the same row, 2nd from the left: 

Boston going down one of the little slides at the indoor park:  

more climbing!  Boston would have stayed on the climbing net until the closed the pool!! 

After enough water for one day we came in for dinner & then another round of 3d mini golf.  This time we did pirates instead of under the sea. 

catching a ride to the play area:

pirate Madi

pirate Boston

After that the kids played for quite a while in 4-story indoor play area.  Lots of tunnels, slides, crawl spaces and balls.  ***Bruce-ism for the day - the kids come out of the play area to tell us that Madi is thirsty & Boston needs to go poop.  DJ takes him to the bathroom and while they're in there Boston tells him, "I'm not going to take as long as I normally would dad, because I gotta get back out there"  After that the kids get back in the play area for a while until Madi had had enough.  We came back to the room about an hour & a half ago.  DJ & Boston JUST got back.


1 comment:

  1. OMG hopefully they slept GOOD after all that! Is it just your family there or are your parents there too? Poor Bobo! That is so scary, that would have totally freaked me out too!! Hopefully it's just a one time thing.

    ps-you WOULD get sick on a slide.
