Thursday, February 2, 2012

Best Call EVER!

So Monday I had to go to Manhattan to teach Linda how to do our payroll, it's not exactly the reason I want to go to Manhattan, but hey, I get to be in the land of purple AND see one of my BF's, I'm not gonna turn it down.  Well, everything went well while I was there and on the way home I got a phone call from someone in Atchison.  I usually don't answer numbers that I don't know, but I was driving and bored, so I figured, why not. 

It was Boston's teacher.  All of a sudden I wished I hadn't answered!  Low and behold she wasn't calling because he had done anything wrong - just the opposite!!  WHA?!  She told me that she was just calling to tell me how much she enjoyed having Boston in class and that he was doing well academically AND socially.  THANK YOU was all I could say.  I was still wondering what was coming next, BUT.... but there was no but.  She said, that's all, I just wanted to let you know how well he's doing.  THANK YOU again was all that I could get out.  I was in shock.  1. because he is not the best child at home and 2. I've never had this happen before!

I don't care if she called every other parent in her class and said the exact same thing - IT.MADE.MY.DAY.  I couldn't wait to get home to give my little guy a big hug!

When I got home I looked at Boston &

Me:  Boston, Mrs. Regan called me today on my way home.
BB:  She did?
Me:  Yes, do you know why she would be calling me?
BB:   No.
Me:  Are you always good at school?
BB:   Yes.
Me:  Are you sure you're never bad?
BB:  Yes.
Me:  Well, that's pretty much what she told me, she said you're good & that she enjoys having you in her class.

He was all smiles, I gave him a hug & told him to keep up the good work!

1 comment:

  1. Aaawwww. Way to go Boston. The fiesty baby turned into a good kid! Must have been all that shaking he got in his bouncy seat on top of the dryer!
