Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Boston Cole

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!  I love you little man, but you have been a pain in the boo-tay ever since the beginning!   

We took a trip to Boston, knowing all the while that two MAJOR events were in the works - #1 Baldo was going to propose to Amy and #2 we were hoping for a baby (boy).  That was May, nine months later, there you were.  I will never forget the day we went in for the sonogram, the tech said, "see that?  It's a boy" and your dad shouted he was SO happy ~that didn't happen when the tech told us "it's a girl" with your sister - so you can always hold that over her head ;)

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself... After we got back from Boston I took two pregnancy tests - both said negative.  I was disappointed, but waited another week and took another one - it was positive!  It just so happened that we were having a bbq that night, Daddy, Tony Uncle Ricco, Ryan, Gina, Amy & Josh were all there, so Madi took the test in to show them, I really was pregnant all along!  (pain #1)  2 days before we were supposed to find out if you were a boy or a girl I started having problems, (pain #2) I went to the doctor and they did a sonogram, the tech asked me if I wanted to know if you were a boy or a girl - I told her no - your dad would have FLIPPED if I found out you were a boy before him!!  After that, pregnancy was a breeeeeeeeeeeze, delivery couldn't have been easier!  I thought for sure we were going to get another laid back, easy going kid, I couldn't have been more WRONG!  You were great for the first six weeks and then you flipped the switch!  You couldn't be consoled!  We didn't know, couldn't figure out what you didn't like.  From then on you have been a major pain in you know what!

The thing you seemed to hate the most was riding in a car - YOU.HATED IT.  When most babies would fall asleep after being in the car, you SCREAMED and screamed even more.  There were times I would have to pull over to the side of the road to console you, get back to driving only to have you do it again...ugh!  I pray your child doesn't pay you back for this!! 

Anyway, enough with how much of a pain you were & let's get on with what a JOY you are now.  OMG, you are the funniest little shit I know!  (and I know saying "shit" will make you laugh hysterically!)  I don't know WHERE you come up with half the things you say!  I would like to take credit, since I am rather witty (ha), but you my friend are an original!  You are gonna make some girl pee her pants some day - now THAT'S something to look forward to ;)

I love you little buddy, you're my space invader that I wish I could get rid of one minute and take back the next.  I love you more than you could ever imagine.  You are one of the most caring people I know (even though you have that Bruce temper) and you make me laugh the way only a few people can.  I'm so glad that God blessed me with you!  Thank you for still calling me MOMMY and being my BABY!  I love you Boston Cole!

**as with everything else that involves Boston - I had SO many more pictures, but when I went to make the collage, they disappeared, making the second time lucky it happend!!


  1. Awww!! I remember (like it was yesterday) Madi walking into the kitchen holding the positive pregnancy test, what a great night!! He may have been a little shit but he was a cute little shit and still is!! Love you Bobo!!

  2. Agree with Amy. Good thing that little shit was cute :) I remember standing in the bathroom with him with the water running, holding him as tight as I could, and sitting him up on the washer just so he would stop crying. He's turned into a great little boy that I love so much.
